1) The Holy Bible
2) Bogard-Hardeman Debate – Ben M. Bogard and N. B. Hardeman, 1938, Gospel Advocate Company, Nashville, TN
3) Church Falling Away and Restoration by J. W. Shepherd, 1929, F. L. Rowe Publisher, Cincinnati, Ohio
4) A History of the Kentucky Baptists by J. H. Spencer, 1885, 1984 reprint by Church History Research and Archives, Gallatin, TN
5) Ante-Nicean Fathers – Volume 1, Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, editors, 1979, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan
6) God is Real by Dallas Billington, 1962, David McKay Company, Inc., New York
7) History of the Polk County Baptist Association by J. W. Haines, 1897, 1970 reprint by The Printery, Clinton, MO
8) History of the Siloam Missionary Baptist Church by Jake H. Lambert, 1969
9) History of the New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church by H. C. Vanderpool, 1976, Goodlettsville, TN
10) History of Old Union Missionary Baptist Church by H. C. Vanderpool, 1966, Bowling Green, KY, updated and reprinted in 1995 by the church.
11) Christian Doctrines by J. M. Pendleton, 1878, …, 1976, Judson Press, Valley Forge, PA
12) “The Condition of the Baptist Cause in Kentucky in 1837” by J. M. Pendleton – 1887 Jubilee sermon before the Ketucky Baptist General Association
13) The Nashville Debate – J. B. Moody & J. A. Harding, 1889, Brandon Printing, Nashville, TN; reprinted in 1955 by The Gospel Advocate, Nashville, TN
14) The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit – Charles H. Spurgeon, 1981, Pilgrim Publications, Pasadena, TX 77501
15) Spurgeon’s Autobiography – Charles H. Spurgeon, 1981, The Banner of Truth, Edinburgh
16) A History of the Baptists in Missouri by Robert S. Duncan, 1882, 1981 reprint by Church History Research and Archives, Lafayette, TN
17) South Carolina Baptists 1670-1805 by Leah Townsend, 1935, 1974 Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore
18) A History of the Sandy Creek Baptist Association by George Purefoy,1858, 1980 reprint by Arno Press, New York
19) A General History of the Baptist Denomination by David Benedict, 1813, 1985 reprint by Church History Research and Archives, Gallatin. TN
20 ) History of the Baptists in Virginia by Robert B. Semple, 1810, 1972 Polyanthros, Inc., Cottonport, LA
21) A History of the Grassy Creek Baptist Church by Robert Devin, 1880, Edwards, Broughton and Company, Raleigh, NC
22) Religions of the World (various writers), 1883, published by Gay Brothers and Company, New York
23) Review of “Campbellism Examined” by Moses E. Lard, 1857, J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia: 1955 reprint by Old Paths Book Club, Rosemead, CA
24) The Great Awakening in Virginia 1740-1790 by Wesley M. Gewehr, 1930, Duke University Press; 1965 reprint by Peter Smith, Gloucester, MA
25) Out of Aldersgate by W. T. Watkins, 1937, Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Nashville, TN
26) The Whole Works of John Bunyan, George Offor, editor, 1977, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan
27) The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont by Samuel Morland, 1658, reprinted in 1982 by Church History Research and Archives, Gallatin, TN
28) The History of the Christian Church by William Jones, 1812, 1825, 1983 reprint by C.H.R.A.A., Gallatin, TN
29) Martyr’s Mirror by Thieleman J;. van Braght, 1660, 1837 (first English translation), …, 1950 (Mennonite publishing house), Herald Press, Scottsdale, PA, 1982 (13th edition)
30) Baptist Confessions of Faith by William L. Lumpkin, 1959, 1974, Judson Press, Valley Forge, PA
31) Baptist Church Perpetuity or History by W. A. Jarrell, 1894 by author, Dallas, TX
32) The Journal of John Wesley by John Wesley, edited by Percy Livingstone Parker, (no printing date given) Moody Press, Chicago
33) The Gospel in America by Woodbridge, Noll, and Hatch, 1979, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI
34) Thoughts on Religious Experience by Archibald Alexander, 1844, 1978 by The Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh
35) The Fighting Preacher by John H. Aughey, 1899, Rhodes and McClure Publishing Co., Chicago
36) Review of Alexander Campbell’s Tour of Scotland by Thomas Chalmers,1892, Gospel Advocate Company, Nashville, TN
37) Home Life and Reminiscences of Alexander Campbell by Selma Huntington Campbell, 1882
38) The Spirit of the Lord: Revivalism in America by Daniel Cohen, 1975, Four Winds Press, New York
39) Billy Sunday, The Man and His Message by William T. Ellis, 1959, The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago
40) Moody by J. C. Pollock, 1963, Macmillan Company, New York
41) Gospel of John by F. B. Meyer, 1952, Marshall, Morgan, and Scott, London ; 1960, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI
42) The Pattern of God’s Truth by Frank E. Gaebelein, 1968, Moody Press, Chicago, IL
43) Prayer by John R. Rice, 1942 , …, 1972, Sword of The Lord Publishers, Murfreesboro, TN
44) When You Pray by John R. Rice, 1970, Sword Of The Lord Publishers, Murfreesboro, TN
45) “My Answer” columns by Billy Graham, 1960’s Kansas City Star, and other newspapers.
46) How To Be Born Again by Billy Graham, 1977, Word Books, Waco, TX
47) Evangelicalism Divided by Iain Murray, 2000, Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, UK/ Carlisle, PA.
48) “Billy Graham Believes Catholic Doctrine of Salvation Without Bible, Gospel, or Name of Christ” by Robert E. Kofahl, Ph.D., 2005, Internet website:
49) “God’s Way To Heaven” by Theodore Epp (“Back to the Bible” tract)
50) True Evangelism by Lewis Sperry Chafer, 1976 Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI
51) 25 0f the Greatest Sermons Ever Preached, compiled and edited by Jerry Falwell, 1986, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI
52) The Externals and Internals of Salvation, or Heartfelt Salvation by G. W. Crawford, 1949, The Missionary Baptist Press, Riverbank, CA
53) The Prophet of Little Cane Creek: A Biography of A. S. Petrey by Harold Dye, 1949, Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Nashville, TN
54) “Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards (sermon)
55) Mary Bunyan: The Dreamer’s Blind Daughter, A Tale of Persecu- tion by Sallie Rochester Ford, 1860, 1964, Reiner Publications, Swengel, PA
56) History of the Baptists by Thomas Armitage, 1887, 1977 reprint by Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO.
57) Ecclesiastical Researches by Robert Robinson, 1792, 1984 reprint by C.H.R.A.A., Gallatin, TN
58) Freedom’s Ferment by Alice Felt Tyler, 1962, Harper and Row Torchbooks, New York
59) Who Really Wrote The Book of Mormon? by Wayne L. Cowdrey, Donald R. Scales, and Howard A. Davis, 1977, 1980, Vision House Publishers, Santa Ana, CA.
60) The People Called Quakers by D. Elton Trueblood, 1966, Harper and Roy, New York
61) The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith, 1870, reprinted 1985 by Barbour & Co., Westwood, NJ
62) The New Schaff – Herzog Enclyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Samuel M. Jackson, editor-in-chief, 1908, Funk and Wagnalls Company, New York and London
63) A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God by Jonathan Edwards, 1735, …, 1979, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI
64) A History of the Christian Church by Williston Walker, 1918, …, 1970, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York
65) Edward’s Materials by Morgan Edwards (manuscript), printed in 1984 by Heritage Papers, Danielsville, GA
66) The Religious Background of American Culture by Thomas Cuming Hall, 1930, Little, Brown, and Company, Boston
67) A Religious History of America by Edwin S. Gaustad, 1966, Harper and Row, New York
68) Charles Finney Autobiography by Charles G. Finney, 1876, …, 1977, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI
69) A Shopkeeper’s Millenium by Paul E. Johnson, 1979, Hill and Wang Publishers, New York, NY
70) The Fundamentalist Phenomenon, edited by Jerry Falwell, Ed Dobson, and Ed Hindson, 1981, Doubleday Publishing, New York, NY
71) Institutes of the Christian Religion, by John Calvin, 1536, Henry Beveridge translation of 1845, reprinted 1975 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, MI
72) The Confessions of St. Augustine by Augustine of Hippo, translated by Rex Warner, 1963, New American Library, a division of Penguin Books, New York, NY
73) Augustine of Hippo by Peter Brown, 1967, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles
74) The History of the Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses by George S. Faber, 1838, reprinted 1990 by C.H.R.A.A., Gallatin, TN
75) The Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont and of Albigenses by Peter Allix, 1690, 1692 1821, 1989 reprint by C.H.R.A.A., Gallatin, TN
76) The Writings of the Late Elder John Leland by John Leland, 1845, 1986 reprint by C.H.R.A.A., Gallatin, TN
77) Revival and Revivalism by Iain H. Murray, 1994, The Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh
78) Fifty Years Among the Baptists by David Benedict, 1860, 1977 reprint by Seminary Publications, Little Rock, AR
79) The Invitation System by Iain Murray, 1967, 1988, The Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh