Pastor Tim Logo

Hendersonville Tennessee

457 East Main Street

Worship Service 2019 - July 28, 2019

Check Your Foundation

Elder Michael Calhoun - Brother Mike began by explaining that “Christian Baptism” is a “ceremony”, established by Jesus as a testimony of our salvation. It is sometimes referred to as “Believer’s Baptism. We are “buried with Christ” in baptism. It is a picture of his death, burial and resurrection. We are NOT baptized in order to BE saved … we submit ourselves to baptism because we HAVE BEEN saved. Preaching from Matthew and the “Sermon on the Mount”, we are reminded that the holiness of God, the Holiness of Christ and our need for a Saviour. God sent His Son to save us, and only Jesus can save. When we realize that we are lost, we must seek God for His salvation … or continue on the path to sure destruction. What YOU do with Christ is important. What is your relationship with Jesus … this is the question that you must answer before it is too late. Being “Born Again” is the most important thing that can happen to you in life. Without that experience, HELL will be your home – ETERNALLY. You cannot be “religiously un-affiliated” … you are either LOST or you are SAVED … with Christ or against Him … Heaven-bound or Hell-bound”. You are either serving God or you are serving the devil. Jesus says, “I am the way. …” You CAN know that you have been saved. You need not remain LOST. But, if you reject Christ, He will reject you. The house that is built upon the Rock – Jesus – will be able to withstand the storms of life, but the house that is built upon an unsure foundation will surely fail … not because of the quality of the workmanship or the beauty, but because it lacks a sound foundation. Storms WILL come in this life. Are you prepared? Have you been saved … been “born again”?

Scripture References: Matthew 7:21-29

From Series: "Revival 2019"

Revival Services 2019 @ Victory Missionary Baptist Church Helper Elder Michael Calhoun

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My Sermon Play List

Election and Predestination 1981 by Billy Moran
“Psalms 23” by L. A. Stewart in 1940 (Baptized My Grandfather)
“Lordship Of Christ” (Old Tape Given To Me)
“Truth Opposes Error” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Howard Taylor
“Truth Opposes Error” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Howard Taylor.
“Improper Application of Scripture” from Old Union Ministers School 1991 by W.T. Russell.
“Church Perpetuity” from Old Union Ministers School 1982 by W.T. Russell.
“Making Void the Grace of God” from Old Union Ministers School 1981 by F.W. Lambert.
“A Model Church” from Old Union Ministers School 1981 by J.H. Smith.
“Abortion – Political – Moral” from Old Union Ministers School 1993 by Harold Carver.
“Being Optimistic” from Old Union Ministers School 1991 by Hilman Duncan.
“The Israel of God” from Old Union Ministers School 1986 by Billy Moran.
“The Oneness of God in Three Persons” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Bill Moran.
“The Scheme of Redemption, External, Internal, Eternal” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Billy Moran.
“Experimental Knowledge” from Old Union Ministers School 1986 by Jerry Reynolds.