Pastor Tim Logo

Hendersonville Tennessee

457 East Main Street

Worship Service 2020 - September 13, 2020

The Sinner's Prayer

The True “Sinner’s Prayer” – Pastor Tim preaching from Luke 18. True prayer to God is a privilege that provides us access to God. Even the worst of sinners can and will be saved WHEN they pray as the “publican” did … “God be merciful to me a sinner.” Religion does not save – JESUS SAVES. Prayers don’t save – JESUS SAVES. You can know that you are LOST and need to BE SAVED, but the “sinner’s prayer” as it has come to be called today does not and cannot save … praying such a “scripted” or “prepared” prayer and then signing a card CANNOT AND WILL NOT SAVE. That is “soul control” and is a device of Satan, and those who employ such devices of the Devil are DECEIVERS and LIARS. When a sinner truly turns away from sin and towards God, he will be saved … no human intermediary is needed. Only God can convict … Only God can save. Only God can look into a sinner’s heart and allow the sinner to see what He sees. Only God convicts. Only God saves. The “publican” saw himself as God saw him, and he then called upon God crying, “God be merciful unto me a sinner.” This is the true sinner’s prayer. When you truly touch God with your prayers, you too will rise up from your prayers knowing that you are changed on the inside. It takes a “broken heart” and a “contrite spirit” to touch God. “Prayer Changes God. God Changes Us”. Prayer is the universal need of all men, for “all have come sinned and come short of the glory of God.” And, because we know that ALL have sinned, we can also be assured that Jesus died for ALL. Jesus alone is the true and full atonement for our sins, and Jesus alone can set us free from the condemnation of our sins.

Scripture References: Luke 18:9-14

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Worship Service 2020 @ Victory Missionary Baptist Church

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My Sermon Play List

Election and Predestination 1981 by Billy Moran
“Psalms 23” by L. A. Stewart in 1940 (Baptized My Grandfather)
“Lordship Of Christ” (Old Tape Given To Me)
“Truth Opposes Error” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Howard Taylor
“Truth Opposes Error” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Howard Taylor.
“Improper Application of Scripture” from Old Union Ministers School 1991 by W.T. Russell.
“Church Perpetuity” from Old Union Ministers School 1982 by W.T. Russell.
“Making Void the Grace of God” from Old Union Ministers School 1981 by F.W. Lambert.
“A Model Church” from Old Union Ministers School 1981 by J.H. Smith.
“Abortion – Political – Moral” from Old Union Ministers School 1993 by Harold Carver.
“Being Optimistic” from Old Union Ministers School 1991 by Hilman Duncan.
“The Israel of God” from Old Union Ministers School 1986 by Billy Moran.
“The Oneness of God in Three Persons” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Bill Moran.
“The Scheme of Redemption, External, Internal, Eternal” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Billy Moran.
“Experimental Knowledge” from Old Union Ministers School 1986 by Jerry Reynolds.