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CloseWorship Service 2019 - August 4, 2019
The Law In 3 Parts
Pastor Tim Binion Pastor Tim’s lesson is taken from Galatians 3. The Church at Galatia was made up of both Jews and Gentiles. The Apostle Paul was addressing the relationship between the Law of Moses and the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament. Salvation has always by Grace and through faith … even back to the time of Abraham and before. Promises were made to Abraham, but ultimately the Law of Moses and Sinai was referring to Jesus Christ. There were 3 principle aspects to the Old Testament Law of God: 1) God’s Moral Law; 2) God’s Judicial Law; 3) God’s Ceremonial Law. ALL of these pointed to Christ. Man’s inability to faithfully keep ANY of these Laws point out the absolute need for a Saviour - One Who can SAVE man from the penalty of death. The transgression of the Law demands death. The Saviour provides MERCY and GRACE and FORGIVENESS. The Law of God is just and holy and good, and reveals to mankind the need of a Saviour. Even Adam and Eve understood the difference between what was right and what was wrong … and willfully chose that which was wrong and a sin. But Christ is the Great Redeemer and He alone can redeem us from the condemnation of the Law. The Law is but a “school-master” the bring us nigh unto Jesus Christ.
Scripture References: Galatians 3:19-25
From Series: Sunday Worship 2019 | More Messages from Worship Service 2019
From Series: "Sunday Worship 2019"
Sunday Morning Worship @ Victory Missionary Baptist Church 2019