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Hendersonville Tennessee

457 East Main Street

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Worship Service 2020 - January 10, 2021


“Sanctification” – Pastor Tim Binion concluding teachings from Nehemiah 13. Nehemiah was a Prophet, a reformer, and a rebuilder at a time when God’s people had abandoned His ways and become “worldly”. God’s kingdom on the Earth was a shambles. Nehemiah appeared to instruct the people to return to true worship of God and His Word and the Sabbath. They had become “worldly” and unrighteous in the eyes of God. God’s people are to be a separate people … separate from worldly ways and worldly desires. We, as the true children of God, know who we are and whose we are! We are different from the world because we have been redeemed and called to be a separate people … IN the world but not OF the world. Satan is in the world today and he is the “god of this world”, and we are to be cautious to NOT become ensnared by Satan and his ways. Even Jesus, Himself, prayed for us! We are to be witness for Him in the world today, and not only carry the message that “Jesus Saves”, but that His lives today. He warns us about becoming worldly, but that we are to carry the Gospel to the world. And we must teach our children to do the same. Though they may not appreciate or understand it now, they will appreciate it immeasurably later in life. It is a BLESSING to live a “sanctified” life.

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My Sermon Play List

Election and Predestination 1981 by Billy Moran
“Psalms 23” by L. A. Stewart in 1940 (Baptized My Grandfather)
“Lordship Of Christ” (Old Tape Given To Me)
“Truth Opposes Error” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Howard Taylor
“Truth Opposes Error” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Howard Taylor.
“Improper Application of Scripture” from Old Union Ministers School 1991 by W.T. Russell.
“Church Perpetuity” from Old Union Ministers School 1982 by W.T. Russell.
“Making Void the Grace of God” from Old Union Ministers School 1981 by F.W. Lambert.
“A Model Church” from Old Union Ministers School 1981 by J.H. Smith.
“Abortion – Political – Moral” from Old Union Ministers School 1993 by Harold Carver.
“Being Optimistic” from Old Union Ministers School 1991 by Hilman Duncan.
“The Israel of God” from Old Union Ministers School 1986 by Billy Moran.
“The Oneness of God in Three Persons” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Bill Moran.
“The Scheme of Redemption, External, Internal, Eternal” from Old Union Ministers School 1983 by Billy Moran.
“Experimental Knowledge” from Old Union Ministers School 1986 by Jerry Reynolds.